2,673 miles

According to google maps, this is how long it would take to drive from my university next year to Adams.

Yes, you heard me right, MY university!

I have finally been allocated a place and I got my top choice, Lehigh, in Pennsylvania!!

I am so excited and so happy to have got the uni I wanted :) The thing is.... so did Adam. Which is great but also really, really, really far away! Adam's top choice was San Diego,all the way over on the other side of the country! We chose our options aware that by putting East and West coast schools, we could be a long way away from each other.

I am so happy for him as I know that, despite his casual exterior, he really wanted to go to San Diego and would have been slightly disappointed with anywhere else.

However, that doesn't change the fact that we will be 2,673 miles away from each other.

That's a £350 return flight away.

Or, as google maps encouragingly illustrated, a 1 day and 15 hour drive away.

If he had got into his second choice, Maryland, he would have been a $26 two hour bus ride away.

But this is what we wanted. We wanted to put down the places that we, as individuals, wanted to go, not where was convenient for our relationship. We chose not to put down the same order or coordinate places. We wanted to have the best year we could possibly have, the best year for each of us (which sounds cringy haha). So now we have to face the fact that we are, indeed, going to be incredibly long distance.

But I'm not worried about us. Not as a couple. It's going to be really hard not to see each other for almost five months, and we have no idea what will happen in that time, but we can do it if we both want to. Long distance relationships tend to fall apart when one person realises that actually they don't want to make it work, they don't want to put in the very hard work of long distance for a relationship that perhaps wasn't as important to them as they thought.

Adam and I give each other space and have our own separate lives, even as we live together in Kent.

Next year all we can do is be there for each other when we want to share our experiences abroad, either on the phone or skype, and in between fully immerse ourselves in the US university experience.

I have wanted to travel on my own for a very long time and this is my chance to do it.

I have wanted to study abroad ever since I started looking at law degrees almost five years ago.

And we both wanted the universities we have been given.

Now we've just got to get ready!! We've got seven months to get super excited and sort visas before we have to worry about any thing else!!

Especially not us.

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